Thursday, November 13, 2008


So far into Lysistrata i have gotten a very good characterization of lys. She seems to be a very strong and bold woman who inst afraid of breaking tradition and convention through her actions. She is a very sly person, who is very calculating and very smart, as when she first tells kleonike about her plan, she says that she widdled and shaved her plan down into what is it now. She thought very criticall about her plan for a very long time. She also is a strong woman as she comes up with the plan for an abastinence from sex, and while all the other woman shrink back at the idea and say that the war should go on, she calls them all weak and is able to control her urges for sex in contrast to the other women. she plans and lead all the women into the akropolis and takes the palicade from the men, and doenst allow them in until the end when she has a celbration. Basically she has a very sharp mind in that she can think very critically about what will happens, and plans 3 moves or play in the future. Also she is never seen with her husband, and her husband is never introduced, implying that she doesnt need a woman, and in that day and age where women relied on men, it shows that she is very independant and strong as she can forage and survive by herslef. Finally the fact that her plan works shows her great dedication to her plan, as welll as her brilliance as a leader and planner. She is a strong independant woman who is willing to do what it takes to get what she want done, no matter the odds.

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