Sunday, October 26, 2008

Brack or Bond

Brack reminds me somewhat of James Bond. i know it sounds ridiculous, but he is wears tailored suits, he is handsome, and he doesnt want relationships, but a close circle of "intimate" friends, and he is trying to set up a friends with benefits type situation with Hedda. Also, just like bond, he ends up seducing or taking control of a woman with power, and she ends up dead in the end. Just think about it, he walks into a woman life, who is in power in that life, and then seduces her, overpowers her, and then she ends up dead. I realize that this is probably influenced by my viewing of Casino Royale earlier today, but i cant help but think about how much sense this makes. A mysterious loner who seduces women tath eventually end up dead.


Patti said...

I kinda agree with what you're saying here Roman. I think you could also connect the way that Brack takes the pistols out of Hedda's hands - as though hes taking power away from her or has power over her - to this as well. Cause well uk, James Bond used guns too so it makes sense that way as well lol.

roman said...

what are you talking about patti. just playing, yeah i get what you saying. Brack gets his power by taking it from other characters, like bond does when he takes a gun, or kills a guy, or has sex with an amazingly beautiful woman. But yes i was hoping that i wasnt going crazy in thinking he is like James Bond

Patti said...

Haha no you werent going crazy. I didnt see the connection you made at first until you started explaining it and I was like yeah that really makes sense. Cause he is like I'm so cool and he's a big player with a lot of power.

roman said...

yeah, and also i imagine brack as a tall and handsome man with tailored suits, and dark hair, sounding like sean connery. lol
only joking, but in all honesty, i think brack is bond, it made reading the play much easier